Our Beloved Isaa (Jesus) is the Prophet of ALLAH, like Muhammad SAW

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Our Beloved ^Isaa (Jesus), the Prophet of ALLAH
النبي عيسى عليه السلام
🔸Allah sent many Messengers to the humans as a mercy from Him. Allah sent them all to teach the people what is the correct and acceptable worship of Allah–their Creator and the Creator of everything.

🔸 All the Prophets of Allah, the first of whom was Adam and the last of whom is محمد, came with one Religion–Islam, one creed–the belief in the Oneness of Allah that is that God does not have partners to Him in Godhood.

They all taught that Allah is attributed with all the perfect Attributes and that He does not resemble any of His creations. They taught what Allah ordered us to perform and what to refrain from in this life.

 They taught there is the Judgment Day in which each one of us will be judged as to whether or not we fulfilled our obligations in this life.

🔸Allah sent Prophet ^Isaa (known to some as Jesus) as the Messenger before Prophet محمد. He was one of the five best Messengers of Allah, called ‘Ulul-^Azm, those with the highest status, who were the most patient.

The best of them is Prophet  محمد then Ibrahim then Mousaa then ^Isaa then نوح  (known to some as Noah)

🔸He was ^Isaa, the son of Maryam, the daughter of ^Imran.
Prophet ^Isaa, as all the Prophets, was truthful in what he conveyed from Allah, and although today we follow the Shari^ah / Laws revealed to Prophet محمد, Muslims respect, love, and believe in ^Isaa and in his prophethood.

All Prophets came with the Religion of Islam and all worshipped only Allah

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